Monday, December 10, 2012

Jeremy Jernegan

Jeremy Jernegan's work stood out to me on because of its highly unique combination of images and ceramics. The description for most of the work above is: screen printed mono print, cut to size after firing and installed in structure fabricated from stainless steel. I love his use of color and how it truly evokes the feeling of ocean waves, however, I am particularly drawn to his black and white pieces. I have a pretty strong affinity for black and white, and love his he works with it in his pieces. I also love how his work, though already three-dimensional because of his use of clay, is not flat, but juts out from the wall surface, helping the viewers eye be guided through the forms and images even more.

I encourage you to look at more of his work:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Jamie Bardsley

 Jamie Bardsley

I was drawn to these pieces by Bardsley because she uses simplified objects made out of porcelain to make larger installations. I am also using porcelain for my current project, and while it is giving me some grief trying to properly throw with it, I love the natural look of it when it's fired. I also really appreciate the consistency within her work - her repetitious use of very simplified objects.
I suggest looking at more of Jamie's work on either one of the following websites. She has many wonderful images of her work.