Saturday, November 17, 2012

Something a little different...

Ryan Fletcher is a ceramicist who creates "Tapas Micros", which are interesting table ware sculptures for micro menus at specialized restaurants. He works with porcelain and usually simple white gloss for his pieces (which is partially why I was engaged in them, since my new project is porcelain).  His work has little to no surface treatment to allow the chefs to add their own artistic design to the plain white forms on which they are placing their culinary designs.
Fletcher states that his interest lies in the functionality of these objects within the restaurants. There are several different interactions that take place: the chef's reaction to these atypical sculptural forms; the server's presentation of them to the diners; and finally the diner's response, which seems to be initial hesitation and then investigation. Fletcher likes taking normal forms used daily and transforming them so there's that moment when they have to decide how to interact with something new.

All photos found on but Fletcher also has a detailed website that I encourage you to look at to see more of his interesting and fantastic pieces:

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