Monday, November 26, 2012

Something a little more unusual...

The following works are by Tim Berg and Rebekah Myers

Enjoy it While it Lasts

get'em 'fore they're gone

Between a rock...

Souvenirs from All good things
Eat your heart out!!!

Bones of contention
Installation in a Valise (Cause and Effect)

Better an ounce of luck than a pound of gold

Something for nothing
 In Tim's artist statement on, he indicated that though his works have a satiric charm to them, he only uses that to "disarm the viewer and challenge them to evaluate the larger implications of our cultures relationship to them." It was precisely that charm, however, that drew me to them and encouraged me to look into his work further. These familiar objects that he chose to recreate have significant memories in my childhood and bring a smile to my face. So, though he is using familiar objects such as this to speak to a much larger and more significant issue than just childhood and playfulness, I still appreciated them for their light-heartedness.

And for something even more obscure...

Brownie meets mudman (the lonely rock) by Pattie Chalmers

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